
18+ Acomophilia art Ass Bald Bald Cigar BDSM Bear Beard Beard pimp BeardPimp Beards & Cigars Bears Biker Biker Jacket Black & White Black Leather Blowing Smoke Boots Capnolagnia Celebrity Smoke Cig Video Cigar Cigar & Gun Cigar & Leather Cigar And Booze Cigar Bear Cigar GIF Cigar Pimp Cigar Video Cigarette Cigarette Video Cigarettes CigarPimp Cigars And Tattoos Cigs Cock Cock & Cigars Cock & Smoke Country Cowboy Cowboys Cratolagnia Created by Oregonleatherboy Curated by Oregonleatherboy Daddy Digital Art Driving Car Erotic Hypnosis Exhibitionism FagPimp FagPjmp Fellatio Fetish Full Leather Gear Fur Hypnosis Hypnosmoke Jerking Off Kink Kinky Pairs Leather Leather And Pipe Leather Blazer Leather Boots Leather Chaps Leather Coat Leather Cowboy Leather Gloves Leather Harness Leather Hat Leather Jacket Leather men Leather Pants Leather Pimp Leather Shirt Leather Suit Leather Thong Leather Vest Leatherblazermen Leatherman Leatherman Jacket Leathermen LeatherPimp Light Up Master MasterCigar Videos Mechanophilia Muscle MusclePimp Muscles Nose jets OLB Writ Open Leather Orange Leather Oregonleatherboy Oregonleatherboy Animation Oregonleatherboy Archive Oregonleatherboy Video Oregonleatherboy Videos Pairs Partialism Pimp Cigar Pimp Cigar (Sunglasses) PimpCigar Pipe Pipe GIF Pipe Pimp PipePimp Podophilia Pogonophilia PPPimp Rubber Scally Shiny Smooth Pimp Shirtless Shirtless Cigar Smoker Shirtless Smoker Slave Smoke Smoke On The Water Smoke pimp SmokePimp Sthenolagnia Sthenolagnia/Cratolagnia Stigmatophilia Suit SuitPimp Suits Sunglasses Superior Superior Smoke Tattoos Tracksuit Under 30 Uniform Smoke Wearing Hat ww2 bomber

Oregonleatherboy In Leather Blazer Smoking Cigar

Oregonleatherboy In Leather Blazer Smoking Cigar

Handsome Oregonleatherboy wearing a black leather blazer and suit clothes while smoking a cigar out in the beautiful Oregon country.

With A Strong Attraction For Leather Naturally Feel Sexy Sporting One

Always having a strong attraction for leather jackets and to men wearing them it is natural to feel sexy sporting one. Even more so the leather blazer emanates power, wealth, prestige along with cocky, sly, dominant and a sex magnet that draws the eye making body want to rub against. 

B&W Photograph of Oregonleatherboy in Leather Blazer Smoking Cigar looking forward and sexy.

  Smoke Whore Knows No Discrimination Just Prefers

Strikingly, leather blazers are not alone in enticing so much kinky fervor in and out of Oregonleatherboy's pants and rants.  There is an equal appreciation, which bordering at the highest peak of the 
passion spectrum for men smoking.

  Smoking what? 

#1 cigars #2 pipes #3 vape clouds #4 cigs which are preferences, not discriminations.

Cigar clenched in jaw Oregonleatherboy chills after a long day in cozy leather blazer that feels soft as butter.Oregonleatherboy feeling Smokepimp vibe horny kinky & chilling in black leather blazer with suit  smoking an awesome thick cigar in beautiful Oregon.

 Meaning sexy men turn me on

in general and those men can instinctively flip the 'whore' switch in almost any direction.  Nobody in #4 has cranked that knob, yet, but there is one lad who gets close to packing my cartoon. 

Sexy UK Guys Play Leather & Smoke Card
 Some of them UK guys are so fucking smoking hot and play that leather & smoke card with such cocky finesse. If there was not a big pond between us cigarettes might be higher on that list.  

Cigar in mouth and leather blazer tightly stretched across shoulders like the boner crawling that smooth, tight skinned head out of pants while Oregonleatherboy blows smoke.

Cigar In Mouth, Intense Horny Fierceness And Sexy In Leather Blazer

Cigar in mouth, look of intense horny fierceness and feeling sexy as fuck in smooth black leather blazer because of just getting dick sucked before photoshoot began and am about to pounce the cameraman for some behind the scenes action.  Leather Blazer, cigar and a fellatio crazy photographer who treated Oregonleatherboy like god is honestly what life is all about.  Cheers!! 

Cigar in mouth, look of intense horny fierceness and feeling sexy as fuck in smooth black leather blazer because of just getting dick sucked  before photoshoot began and am about to pounce the cameraman for some behind the scenes action.